Thu 02 Jan
HOT SPECIALS!!!! 💋 F° U° N°★ F° L° Iº R° T° Y° ~~📞~~ Available ALL NIGHT!! 801-833-6877💋 SPECIALS - 23
(Salt Lake City, Any)
½ 0ff If I Can't Entirely Swa||ow Your @x×x[{::::::::::::::::>!! - 27
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento & surrounding areas OUTCALL)
✨😌💦Let Me Do What She Refuses Too! 🌹🌹 New & SPECIALS!! 😻 💦🍦⊂αΙΙ Με ∏ow!!! 🙋🏼💦🐬Sexy & 100% REAL !! 🌟🌠 - 21
(Cleveland, Independence In Calls)
🍓👙🍓Buckeye/Goodyear/ Az -$50- ( s hwy 85#125-85326) - 22
(BuCKeYE/GooDYeaR/VeRRaDo/MiLLeR, Phoenix, West Valley)
We're the Best at what we do♧♣;-) 2 girl specials★ guaranteed to b|ow your mind☆♥☆ - 22
(Virginia Beach, VA beach Norfolk)
100% the ReAL Me * * BiG BooTy CuRvy BLONDE * *Nice & Ti g H t 1OO Specials - 19
(Huntington Beach *405 frwy* Beach Blvd)
SL~OW "* *Whoa * F@t * L~iPs* GorGeOus*F@ce * F@T AZZ ~ *SuP@ FRe@KY} SPC NOW! - 24
(North Jersey, Linden/Elizabeth)